Faculty and Staff
Staff members' email addresses are all made up of their first initial and their last name @surryschool.org (flastname@surryschool.org.)
Office & Health Staff
Principal - Sarah Dunbar
Admin. Assistant - Cathie Rossignol
Athletic Director - Andrea Archer
School Nurse - Jennifer Pert
Asst. Nurses - Amy Mattson, Jade Hatheway
Counselor - Erica Garvey
Elementary Classroom Teachers
PK - Megan Young
K - Kirstin Weed
1st Grade - Sierra Bloom
2nd Grade - Paige Osgood
3rd Grade - Lucretia Roy
4th Grade - Sophia Mercurio
5th Grade - Courtney Weaver
6th Grade - Kevin DeBeck
Middle Level Homerooms & Teachers
7th Grade - Libby Bishop (7/8 ELA, SS)
8th Grade - Karen Galella (7/8 Math, Science)
Special Education Services
Special Ed. Teachers -
Alisa Dodge (PK-4), Kate Mrozicki (5-8)
MTSS Interventionist - Erin Kinney
Speech - Kelly Ronco
Gifted and Talented: Markus Ford
Educational Technician - Brittany Brissitt
Educational Technician - Dianna Donahue
Educational Technician - Kristen Philbrook
Art - Nick Patterson
Music - Joe Wainer
Physical Ed. -
Christine Russell, Christopher Rozek
Technology - Markus Ford
Support Staff
Library - Evelyn Bishop
Head of Maintenance - Glenn Baez
Assistant Custodian - Joe Leger
Head Chef - Katrina Scott-Willette
Assistant Chef - Jamie Carter
IT Coordinator - Markus Ford
Head Bus Driver - JD Dionne
Bus Driver - Carlos Rosales
Union 93
Superintendent - Derek Perkins
Asst. Supt. & Curric. Coord - Dawn McLaughlin
Dir. Special Education - Sheila Irvine
Surry School Board
Nick Noddin, Chair
Jared Benner
Don Driscoll
Kristin McFarland
Kerry McKim
Updated: 11/11/24